These are my five silkies. Their names are Snow, Silver, Pearl, Cutie Pie and last but not least Jaffa. Snow is my favorite, and Luxe's is Cutie Pie. Silkies have very fluffy heads and feathers on their feet. Everyone who comes to visit us thinks they look really funny...
The big white hanging bucket is their grains, and the small red one is filled with water. It is my job to fill them up every second day. It's very important to keep it fresh.
These are my five red laying hens and One special wine dot. Their names are Winter, Precious, Julia, Porridge, Bok Bok and Magic black and white one).
This is Penny she is always clucky and is the Mother Hen of the whole tribe.
Penny is currently losing her feathers which is called malting. She does this coming into every winter.